Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We Won!!!

We won the Lego tournament in Moses Lake,Washington. So we are going ti Seattle on Saturday.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The go-kart

My friend got a go-kart from his grand father. He used it for almost two months. After that he parked it, it was very sad. About four months latter he tried to start it and did not start. He did not really care that it no longer worked so he let it sit. For five months it sat getting rained on. One day I was at his house and said that we should try to fix it, he did not wont to so we didn't. A few day latter we were at my house trying to fix it but we did not fix it. I though that I know what was wrong with it. The next day I fixed it; It needs a new battery and some other things but it works so we sear it.

Monday, October 16, 2006

lego robot

Langston and I are in a lego Robotics thing were we compete with other teams.We will be going to towns even Seattle to compete . That is what are robot looks like.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Some of us are going camping for a friends Birthday near to Saint Maries. We get back tomorrow evening. I will try to get some pictures if I can bring Daddy's camera.

Monday, July 03, 2006

No comment at this time!

Friday, June 30, 2006

The yard

Mama got a lot of plants from a friend. We have been doing yard work today getting them into the ground. Christian and I have been working for some people doing gardening and learning so much. Christian has been gone since Saturday and will get back tomorow. He went kayaking with a lot of Christ Church people. Well anyways I have been able to help Mama in giving her tips and stuff.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

More Evelyn

I found a turtle by the new French doors. We kept him for a few hours then let him go at a pond.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Lacrosse has started so the games begin. Langston and I are on Deacon James's teem. Taylor is on Mr. Evens's teem with Christian as an Assistant Coach. Are first game is on the seventh.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Jo and Rachel two of our boarders took Christian, Langston, Taylor, and me camping over the week end. The camp site is called Dworshak State Park near Troy, ID. There is a good size lake that we swam at.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Snow in Moscow

This is what good winters look like in Moscow, ID. This year we did not get as much as this but the year before it was hardy anything compared to this. There is a good hill right up the road from us that we can sled and snowboard on when there is snow.

Taylor's drawing

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Chef Evelyn Crazy eyesthis is what I think of you He might have changed on the outside but he is the same person on the inside.

My bass and snowboard
our guitar